9.28 | be patient with yourself

everyday is a a good day to be patient with yourself. i feel like i rush myself all the time to get things done because i don`t want to waste time but... sometimes, things just take time. when you rush, you miss things. you experience burn out faster. you can easily slip into a depressive state and exhaust your body/brain. it`s just so much better to take it easy, i promise.

i had been driving myself crazy with not doing things for my clothing line that i`m working on. i thought about what i`m not doing with broke but high maintenance merch (which i don`t think i will work on/add to anymore btw). i thought about my lack of pushing my art. i have this imaginary deadline in my head that i`ve been trying to meet for everything. this eventually caused me to really not feel motivated to do much at all cause i felt like i just couldn`t do it. i`d start some artwork then get over it so fast. i`d style myself for a shoot, then hate the look. my creativity was just not there because i was forcing myself to do something that my heart just wasn`t feeling.

so i took some time off to just relax and clear my mind/get rid of the bajillion random thoughts that were going through my head and just not think about creating anything. i spent the majority of my "down time" blasting my music from my tv, taking showers in the dark with my new favorite jasmine scented candle, buying lots of home decor (yay!), indulging in my favorite dairy-free ice cream and just enjoying myself and being patient with me.

taking that time off really helped because this DIY top idea was born lol. you can watch the video of how this top came to life here. i explained all about this scarf/top in the video but for those who may enjoy reading more *ahem* here we go...

i purchased this scarf from target to wear on my head for a shoot, but plans fell through. i hung it up in my room and randomly decided to figure out what else i could do with it because: 1) i  do not wear head scarves and 2) i needed my $17 to be worth being spent. i started playing around with wrapping it different ways. i really love showing off my shoulders and midriff whenever i can, so that`s how i ended up with this look. i think it`s a very subtly sexy look for me. i instantly fell in love with it being thrown over one shoulder and across the chest. lots of back skin showing, yesss! it was feminine, sexy and still super casual. i paired the top with some boyfriend`s denim. don`t we love a good tomboy fashion moment? they aren`t pictured but i wore my brown marni wood heels.

photographed by Keith (@lowfiveghost on IG)

top scarf from target jeans abercrombie & fitch
- the broke girl